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The Tezlom Franchise brand works to the highest compliance standards, supplying many national and leading healthcare services, but as a franchisee you do not need to become CQC registered or to be a registered manager – in fact, you don’t need any previous experience within healthcare to open up one of our franchises, you just need to have the passion to become an entrepreneur and the drive to run a successful business.
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Are you driven to make money and achieve financial freedom? Or are you looking for a business that has the power to change people’s lives and do good? We believe you shouldn’t have to choose. And that’s why our franchisees do it all.
Tezlom is one of the UK’s most successful and highly respected franchise brands:
• BFA, HSBC Awards, 2024: Shortlisted, Brand Awareness
• The REC Awards 2024: Shortlisted, Best Recruitment Agency
• The Best Franchise Awards 2023: Winner, business-to-business category
• Elite Franchise 2023: Elite 100, the only healthcare recruitment business to feature
• WorkBuzz Awards 2023: 5-star franchisee satisfaction
• BFA Membership: Expanding member of the BFA
Tezlom began as a family-run business in 2008 and has since evolved into a leading franchise network across the UK. Our proven model and unwavering commitment to quality make us a trusted name in the industry. Each franchise is independently owned and operated under a franchise agreement, providing you with the tools and support you need to thrive.
At Tezlom, we connect skilled healthcare professionals with the health and social care sector. As a Tezlom franchisee, you’ll be part of a respected and rapidly growing brand that sets the standard for excellence in healthcare staffing. Tezlom franchisees can build thriving, community-focused healthcare recruitment businesses that deliver exceptional service and achieve significant financial success. With our fast-growing network comprising people from diverse backgrounds, we see one consistent driving force behind all of them: creating a legacy. You may think you need relevant industry experience but this is not necessary as we provide you with all the training you will need.
When you invest in a Tezlom franchise, you gain more than just a business – you join a community of experts dedicated to your success. The Tezlom ethos means you won’t have to wait until you open, before finding clients and workers. The support program begins around four weeks before you even start training. And because Tezlom is committed to providing all their franchisees with expert support, you’ll benefit from:
For an initial fee of £28,000 plus VAT, you receive:
We’ve maintained our family values and personal touch whilst carving out a new and, we believe, a better approach to recruitment. This means that our franchisees achieve impressive, six-figure turnovers, fast. Capitalising on market demand whilst never compromising on our beliefs. We put people first, take care of each other, and run incredibly successful businesses as a result.
“After I opened my office in Hitchin, the team at head office were very helpful. The model they have created to open a franchise is really good. They will always come and help you recruit, and even after that if you are struggling they will always come to the office to help out. I like the model because I can manage my life around my family and the office. It gives me the opportunity to meet great people.” Sarb Singh, Hitchin Franchisee
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Hello. My name is Usha, and my territory is in Kingston and Sutton.
We've had it for one and a half months now, but we've been trading for a month.I've been learning for a month.
I love it. It's a challenge. And also, it's my business. I want to make it succeed. I want to make it wonderful. And I want to have the right people in the right place for me.
Kew Botanical Gardens. I was the external affairs officer there. I loved it. I meet the most amazing people, most interesting people, lots of celebrities, lots of ambassadors that came from all over the world. I'm still passionate about it. I still love what they do. They're saving the world. What can you not like about that?
Well, healthcare, it's another chapter of my life. I want to get people the right jobs in the right places. I want to help people. I've seen the nice side of Kews, so I wanted to give something back as well. So getting people the right jobs if I can. I'd like that.
Definitely a nice group of people. We can have fun. It's not just job, it's your life. We're seeing each other nine to five probably, and five days a week, so it should be a home from a home, so warmth, and caring, and considerate as well.
What I love about my business is be able to help people around me, my community, Kingston, Sutton get some jobs. NHS is so important for everyone. And to be able to get them to work, to get some income, even if it's a second job, and to support our community. What's there not to like about that?
My name is Maurice. My Tezlom territory is East London/LG area.
I've had my Tezlom territory from 1st of January 2021. I'm finding it very exciting. Before Tezlom, I was a General Manager with Arearose Limited, also as a Director of Coffee To Go London Limited. Previously, I was a Director of Coffee Republic PLC, and subsequently I've worked as a consultant with small businesses with Hackney Vocational Training Center. And also with Hackney College where we bring people in from Eastern Europe to teach the students on how to work on later work.
What I love about my business now is the interaction aspect of the job. It's a teamwork which require a lot of involvement, but everybody play their own part. And you are actually in touch with the outside world because you know what is going on out there. You get to understand people needs and also their availability in terms of what they are looking for. And above all, we have a very interesting head office that participates in getting involved and helping us to develop as a franchise. It's nice that we all come together, having a sense of purpose, having one sense of direction, and hopefully we'll be able to achieve commonality together.
My name's Kulvir Kuna. My territory is Middlesex.
I've had my Tezlom franchise since September 2012. So it's coming up to nine years. Previously to this, I'd worked in finance, so working for pharmaceutical companies. So we were made redundant, but we had a redundancy package and it seemed the right time to make that choice.
And I was at the age where I would either sink or swim. And if I sunk, I could still try and get another job elsewhere. So that seemed to be the perfect time.
It's hard work, it's perseverance, but you learn so much about things, business as a whole, not just the kind of sector you're in, but other things. Man management, people management, sales, the ups and downs of daily business life.
It is definitely something I think people should choose. Obviously it's down to the individual. Had I been coming up to retirement as worked all my life, I would have regretted not trying to start a business. Thankfully, it's kind of come out quite well. So I would recommend people try it at least once in their life.
One thing I love about my business is that we are in an environment where we work with the elderly, we're an environment where it's caring, it's ethical. We go out there and you can see the smiles. On the other side of the coin, you are helping people in their day-to-day job life, whether it's a healthcare worker or support worker. And those, in turn, are then helping the people at the front line, whether it's the elderly, whether it's people with learning difficulties or mental health.
So it is a certain amount of satisfaction, especially when you send somebody and they get really good feedback and they get taken on and that kind of stuff. So it does really make you realize that you are making a difference to people.
Doing this for coming up to almost 10 years, I've had a good team around me. I've had people in my office who were really with me for about five or six years. Obviously, we've had people who have come and gone. So you understand that people who are loyal, it's a needle in haystack finding those people. So you really want to keep ahold of those people.
My name is Jai Ramdin. And we look after the Kingston and Sutton area.
We've had our territory now for five weeks, we are newbies, we've got a lot to learn, but we've got great support. And it's challenging, but it's a great challenge. And although I'd like to say just it is tough, but it's very enjoyable at the same time. What I did before we took on the franchise, I've always been in property, I've been in property since I was 18. I'm 50 now. I joined an estate agent and I worked my way through to a manager, then I joined a local authority in North London and I studied to become a chartered surveyor. And then I set up my own estate agency. Afterwards, I sold that. And then I went into consultancy. So I ran a property consultancy, just buying properties for overseas clients for investment. And then after that I joined Tezlom. So property all my life, and now I'm diversifying into a new career.
It's a vehicle for Usha, my wife. She wanted to run her own business. I did consider opening another estate agents, but we thought that the market is risky and it's very cyclical, so we wanted something that would be recession proof. So we looked around and we looked at various franchises. And the one that really sat well with Usha and she was very comfortable with was Tezlom. We considered Tezlom, and then we sort of shelved the idea, and we went back to thinking of opening an estate agent. But every time Usha would revert back to Tezlom, saying we should explore it further, we should explore it before ruling it out. We did our research and then what happened is we just forgot about doing a property company and just stuck with Tezlom.
The reason for going with Tezlom was because it seemed recession proof. It's a business that will work through all types of economic climates. I didn't really want to buy into a huge corporate business. At one stage a few years ago, we were offered a McDonald's franchise, which are very, very rare. And we decided not to go there because it was such a huge corporate business, it would've taken over our lives. So although we were franchisees, we would've essentially been working for McDonald's, we would've been employees as such. So we really didn't want to go down that route of aligning to a corporate franchise. So we liked the whole modeling of Tezlom in that it wasn't a huge corporate entity, and we liked the whole setup of the HQ. We liked the very informal atmosphere when we attended there. Ryan and Roz, and the rest of the team were lovely, including yourself, Kay. So that really appealed to us and that was what sold it to us, the non-corporate element of it.
And that's when we made our decision really, I said we were going to buy into this because then we knew that the structures were there. Having met everyone at head office and having seen the whole setup, we knew that we would be well supported in developing the business. So we decided to sign on the dotted line, and here we are today. As you talked, you mentioned this earlier actually, it's a good word, we brought into a community, whereas before I was a consultant. I was on my own, I was quite sort of doing everything on my own. It was a very lonely business. But now, the very word that you used was a community. We bought into a community and we love it. The whole head office set up, and now today we've met the other franchisees, and it's really good. We feel well supported, we feel part of a network, part of a family, you used that word as well. So that's really what we're enjoying.
So when I compare that to what I was doing before, I was very much a freelance by myself, but now I'm very happy to have brought into this whole community, this whole network, this whole big business. And essentially that's what's driving me and I'm really, really loving it.
My name is Sarb and we cover Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and part of Buckinghamshire.
We mainly work with care workers, support workers and nurses. We deal with normal dementia, learning disability, just started doing mental health. I opened the territory in 2015, October, but actually, started working in 2016. Before I bought Tezlom, I was running another franchise for a domiciliary company, which I sold in 2015 and then bought Tezlom. But before that, I'm a qualified doctor.
Being a doctor. Yeah, that nature to looking after customers or patients, helped me to understand, which I was leaning towards anyway, to work with people in need. The business is there. It's just, there is tough times at the moment, due to COVID and Brexit and recruitment and stuff, but it's a great pleasure when you help somebody who is in need and the satisfaction you get after covering the shift and making the customer and the support workers happy.
What I like is I'm the boss, so I can work whenever I want to and I had a very close relationship with my staff, not only the office one, but also the staff which works in the field, like support workers and care assistant, nurses and a great relationship with the homes we work and it's fun to do it.
I bought Tezlom just to balance my working life, and I do have small kids, so that is important to me. Work and life has to be together balanced, which is a great way to do it because you can work as much as you want and manage the time you want to work and the time you want to spend with your family.
Okay. My name's Samuel, I run the Tonbridge territory along with my wife as well.
We've been doing that for about six months now, really enjoyable. I used to work for a bus company, but me and my wife wanted to run our own business for a while. So, we jumped into Tezlom, thought it was the best option for us.
We went to the franchise exhibition for about three or four years, looking at different companies, different businesses. We focused in on healthcare. We were looking at different companies, but the last exhibition we went to, we met Ryan and Zoe, and they came across really genuine, really fun. Their ethos and everything they stood for just was really great.
That persuaded us, "Okay, we want to go with Tezlom rather than the other businesses we saw." Family is a big thing for both me and my wife. When we first moved into our offices, we brought the kids down there to let them see it. They love coming down to the office, drawing. It's not so much as a second home, but they love coming down there. I like to get some work done, it's hard to get work done when they're there.
But we speak to our kids and let them know what we do, and encourage them to follow their dreams as well. Because it was always a dream of mine and my wife's to own our own business. It's fun when they ask questions about work and what we do, and especially at home when I'm on the phone. It's good speaking to them about that, about what we do. Yeah.
I was speaking to Ryan about getting our offices done, getting the walls done, and putting in some designs in there. In Tonbridge, there's a Tonbridge Castle. So, I said it'll be good to get some picture of that castle on there. Then he sent me some rough drafts back from the designer, and it's a castle with ogres.
I looked at it and I was a bit taken aback. I wasn't expecting it. I'm used to very corporate background with plain offices. I used to call my old office "the prison" because it just looked so gray and dark. When I showed the picture to my wife, she said she loved it.
It took me about an hour or so to grow into it, and I thought, "Actually, this is pretty good. I love it." Now, we've got it up there, it's excellent. Just something different. People come in, they look at it, it's a talking point. So, yeah, we love it.
Advice I would give is to have a look at the options available, and definitely have a chat with whoever is in charge, whoever's the head of franchise. Get a feel for the organization, feel for the company. If you can go to the head office, speak to some of the staff, that's what I'd done.
Me and my wife, we went down to the head office in Southport, spoke to the staff. All very friendly, and you could tell that it was genuine, they weren't putting it on. So, that's what helped us over the line. So, I'd say definitely have a chat with the staff and the team, just to get a feel and see if it's the right fit for you.
I'm Lesley and I'm from the Doncaster territory.
We've been operating since the beginning of November, so we're still very, very young. It's been a whirlwind. Just such a deep learning curve. Really enjoyable. Fascinating. It's completely new sector for me. I'm working with my daughter, which is really lovely. We work well together and yeah, it's just every day is a school day. She's probably a bit more ... I won't to say ruthless, but yeah, she's very direct, but I'm sort of more of the problem solving side of things. Yeah, we just do work well together.
I've worked in the art sector for 20 years. I was chief executive of a music charity. I left there in September last year when I knew what I was going to do. So I've worked across the whole spectrum of performing arts, but at a very senior level for the last 15 years, so I knew about running a business, albeit charitable businesses. So this has been a slight shift because I moved from the charity sector to the more commercial sector. I actually first came across Tezlom four years ago actually. Call it procrastination, but for me it was research. It was researching who you're going to go with.
The franchise model is a great one if you the right franchise and I feel that we have because the support's there, but once you've made the decision, just do it. When Becs and I were doing our research in the early days, actually, we spoke to a couple of companies that were running similar businesses. But with Tezlom, it was very clear that the network is a working network and that supports each other so actually this opportunity to come together is really important. I have to say that commitment to this network have borne itself out since we actually started. As I say, I've spoken to a number of them for different reasons over the last few months.
Kevin Fitzpatrick: I'm Kevin Fitzpatrick. This is my wife.
Carol Fitzpatrick: And we cover Glasgow, Sterling and Lanarkshire.
Kevin: Previously, I was a managing director for a company, an engineering company, a steel producing company. And we supplied mainly into the oil and gas sector, hence the cowboy boots and the cowboy hat. So I've got a well-rounded knowledge of how a business works. And five years ago, more than that now, maybe six years ago, we decided we were thinking of setting something up for ourselves and it just seemed a good fit.
Carol: So it's been almost, this March, it'll be five years. Prior to that, I was a nurse. So five years, and Kevin's just recently come on board. And I've learned a lot from Kevin from about the business side and how to be organized and stay on top of things and have a better understanding. So I would say it's fair to say, we're very compatible. And both get along very well. So generally, with anything we're both good with each other [we have] good communication, so I think that works well. And I think if you don't talk about business all the time, so you just do your other downtime stuff as you would, that keeps not all business.
Kevin: Yeah. Don't get me wrong, we do have our moments, but everyone... we're a week in, so it's early days!
Carol: See how things go. Maybe ask us in a month! Also... I think we just like the feel of a family business and that's what it was, even back going back then. I like the support that they give you ... it was like that even when we were showing an interest, before we committed.
Kevin: Yeah. I think with Ryan, I think we were one of his earliest kind of...
Carol: First victims!
Kevin: It's true. Because for me initially, speaking about the Tezlom or 24/7 Professional Health as it was then, we were dealing with someone else and Ryan came in later on. And we just got a good vibe off of Ryan. I think Ryan's very down to earth, Roz too. So right away, we just got a very good vibe.
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